I just wanted to post to make people aware of a potential issue when creating a Mental Health Mates Instagram account.
I’m still not sure yet whether I will be capable of being a Walk Leader or not, having lived with Social Anxiety Disorder for all of my adult life, but I’ve recently completed the training and decided to reserve an e-mail address and Instagram account, because I could always delete them or pass them on to someone else if I don’t need them. The e-mail address was fine, but Instagram presented a problem that I thought I should flag up.
For some reason, they blocked my new account on creation. They asked me to appeal and I had to enter my phone number, which I wasn’t comfortable with, but I did it, and then they required a photo verification of account ownership. My social anxiety really didn’t like this, as I never post photos of myself online, but after some thought, I took a deep breath and did as they asked too, because it could be unlocked and I’d have what I needed. Review submitted. The next morning, I received a message saying the photo wasn’t acceptable and they had permanantly locked the account with no further action possible.
Obviously, you can’t contact Facebook/Instagram directly, and that e-mail address is now prevented from trying to create another account, without any explanation of what was wrong with it beyond “It breached our community guidelines”, so unfortunately I can’t offer solution to this issue, but I just wanted to put this experience out there.