Andover Walk Leader: Alisha

After attending an MHM Walk in  Basingstoke with her friend Amy, Alisha  immediately knew Mental Health Mates was something she wanted to get on board with. Less than a week after attending their first walk, both Alisha and Amy set up MHM Andover! 

Favourite place to walk? Charlton lakes (this is also where MHM Andover takes place). This was my Grandma’s favourite place to walk and so I always feel connected to her when I’m there. 

Last book you read?‘It’s Not Okay To Feel Blue and Other Lies’ written by many inspirational people, curated by Scarlett Curtis. 

Top tip for looking after your mental health? Honesty, with myself and others. The moment I start trying to pretend that I’m ok, when I’m not, is the moment I know that something isn’t right, and I need to take extra care of myself.   

Best season of the year? Spring! I just love it when the animals start having their babies, and the trees start blossoming with beautiful flowers!  

Words that stick with you? You are enough just as you are. Once I stopped searching for happiness in a future self, I was able to find it in my present self.